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IHASA Newsletter
June 2023

Welcome to the first newsletter from IHASA. It’s a pleasure to round up the latest happenings and keep you informed about the growth of the hemp industry in SA.

Winter is the time to start thinking about sowing hemp crops in South Australia in November. Sowing seed varieties need to be secured from interstate or overseas and farmers need to look at their crop rotations to fit hemp in their schedule.

Last April South Australia’s first commercial hemp fibre crops were harvested near Coonawarra. The summer being quite mild presented an unexpected challenge – the hemp decided to go to seed about 3 weeks earlier than predicted, so farming operations stepped up a gear and the cutting and baling for 75 hectares went into full swing. Unfortunately, the early harvest meant the hemp didn’t grow to its full potential but the crops still produced a respectable yield. Bales will be transported to a new hemp fibre processing plant in South Australia and eventually be made into construction materials – a fantastic beginning to a new industry.

Hemp food producers Good Country Hemp are processing cold pressed hemp seed oil and hulled hemp seed weekly and recently winning their first export order of South Australian grown and processed hemp foods. A 47 hectare paddock of dryland hemp will be sown in September near Naracoorte. If the rainfall continues like it has during the last few weeks the crop should be off to a great start when it’s sown.

The recent Hemp Fibre Forum at Deakin University was an important event to bring the multiple fibre processing projects developing across the country into one gathering. It was a good exchange of ideas and new technology and gave hemp stakeholders a valuable snapshot of the Australian hemp fibre industry to benchmark their own projects. It’s sure to become a regular event on the hemp calendar. See more below.

Hemp in Coonawarra, SA.

Australian Hemp Council Fibre Forum
14-15 June – Geelong, Victoria

Phil Warner speaking on the history of industrial hemp in Australia

The inaugural Australian Hemp Council Fibre Forum held on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th June was a significant event for the industry. Approximately 100 people from all parts of the country and internationally attended, either in person or via zoom.

The knowledge, skills and information shared was excellent and catered for everyone interested in the sector, from professionals and experts to people new to learning about this incredible plant and its multiple uses. The opportunity for networking and creating connections with people was invaluable.
The Australian Industrial Hemp Fibre industry is one that, through collaboration, innovation and commitment has the potential to become a significant participant in the provision of multiple resources to multiple sectors in health and wellbeing, construction, fabric and textiles, to name a few.
Thanks and appreciation to all involved in organising this wonderful forum. Onwards and upwards!
Dianne Sharp

Really enjoyed the forum and learning the significant opportunities Hemp can offer our environment & economy. It’s clear that the participants of the growing local Hemp industry share many synergies, and no doubt, the Australian Hemp industry will grow to become world class and internationally competitive. Watch this space…” Mark Catalano.

HempToday® brings together news from the Hemp Industry around the world. Selected articles for our region including the fibre industry have been collated by the Australian Hemp Council. Take a look here.