AGM 2022
Present: Mick Andersen, Chris Martin, Bernard Thomson
Apologies: Dianne Sharpe
Minutes from 2021 AGM
Chris proposed that the minutes to be accepted, seconded Mick – carried
Matters arising: Representation on AHC Council – Mick to continue and ask Steve Moulton to be a second rep.
Reports from committee members
Financial report
Chris proposed that the report be accepted, seconded Mick – carried.
Election/ confirmation of committee
Mick, Chris and Bernard will continue on as committee members to maintain IHASA’s functions.
Bernard to continue as Treasurer. Other office bearer roles to be determined at a future date.
Propose: Mick , seconded: Chris, carried
Member reports:
Mick shared information on fibre processing developments in SA. Vircura looking to establish processing for the construction industry. Good Country Hemp is growing 75ha fibre crops for Vircura.
Focus for 2023:
In light of the diminishing membership and the need to establish the potential and value of IHASA we agreed to make the relationship with AHC a focus and potential value for members. We also accepted that we need to allow time for developments on the ground.